TH. Kim

Tae-Hwan Kim


TH. Kim

Professeur Invité


Tél. : +33(0)2 31 56 55 24

Équipe de recherche :  INCCA

Localisation : CAMPUS 1, Bât. J3, Porte IR 051

Adresse : Université de Caen,
CS 14032 Esplanade de la paix,
14032 CAEN CEDEX 5.


Affiliation d’origine: Department of Animal Science
College of Agriculture & Life Science,
Chonnam National University
Gwangju 500-757 Korea

Tel: +82-62-530-2126

Activités de recherche :

The research interests are ascribed to the agricultural context for the sustainable production of forage crops under the stressed conditions. The primary works with white clover had been carried out to characterize the physiological responses to water-deficiency: 1) De novo synthesis of amino acids and proteins, and the hydrolysis of protein and starch reserves under water-deficiency, 2) drought-induced oxidative stress and the activation of antioxidant enzymes, 3) kinetics of drought-induced pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins 4) kinetics of peroxidases and its involvement in lignification in relation to the intensity of water-deficit stress. These results lead to challenges encountered in the stress tolerance mechanism. Starting from March 2010, the projects have been directed to two main research interests.

The first is a complementary analysis of plant responses to any possible stress factors for an ultimate understanding of stress tolerance mechanism. The current works pay attention to determine particularly the changes in the morphology and function of the photosynthetic organelles (chloroplast thylakoid protein complexes) and the modification S metabolism with interaction of N.

The second, with an extra importance, is the investigation of physiological significance of sulfur (S) nutrition in stress tolerance. The current research topics are following: (i) Involvement of S nutrition in modulating iron deficiency responses in photosynthetic organs, (ii) S nutrition involves in modulating N metabolism under iron deficiency in oilseed rape plants, and (iii) S nutrition effects on ethylene production and their significance in stress tolerance in oilseed rape plants

 Encadrement doctoral :

● Three Ph D candidates, Sang-Hyun Park (Korea), Qian Zhang (China) and Rashed Zaman (Bangladesh), are under direction in the graduate school, Chonnam National University, Korea.

● Supervision of post-doctoral fellows:

 2008 – 2009 : PhD YL Jin (China)

 2011 – 2012 : PhD S Muneer (India)

Dernières publications :

● Lee BR, Muneer S, Kim KY, Avice JC, Ourry A, Kim TH. 2013. S-deficiency responsive accumulation of amino acids is mainly due to hydrolysis of the previously synthesized proteins – not to de novo synthesis in Brassica napus. Physiologia Plantarum doi:10.1111/j.1399-3054.2012.01669.x

● Muneer S, Kim TH, MI Qureshi. 2012. Fe modulates Cd-induced oxidative stress and the expression of stress responsive proteins in nodules of Vigna radiata. Plant Growth Regulation 68: 421-433.

● Nguyen DMC, Seo DJ, Kim KY, Kim TH, Jung WJ. 2012. Nematode-antagonistic effects of Cinnamomum aromaticum extras and a purified compounds against Meloidogyna incognita. Nematology 14(8): 913-924.

● Lee BR, Muneer S, Avice JC, Jung WJ, Kim TH. 2012. Mycorrhizal colonization and P-supplemen effects on N uptake and N assimilation in perennial ryegrss under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions Mycorrhiza 22(7): 525-534.

● Lee BR, Muneer S, Jung WJ, Avice JC, Ourry A, Kim TH. 2012. Mycorrhizal colonization alleviates drought-induced oxidative damage and lignification in the leaves of drought-stressed perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). Physiologia Plantarum 145: 440-449.

● Lee BR, Jin YL, Avice JC, Cliquet JB, Ourry A, Kim TH. 2009. Increased proline loading to phloem and its effects on nitrogen uptake and assimilation in water-stressed white clover (Trifolium repens). New Phytologist 182: 654-663.

● Lee BR, Li LS, Jung WJ, Jin YL, Avice JC, Ourry A, TH Kim. 2009. Water deficit-induced oxidative stress and the activation of antioxidant enzymes in white clover leaves. Biologia Plantarum 53(3): 505-510

● Lee BR, Jin YL, Jung WJ, Avice JC, Morvan-Bertrand A, Ourry A, Park CW, Kim TH. 2008. Water-deficit accumulates sugars by starch degradation-not by de novo synthesis-in white clover leaves (Trifolium repens). Physiologia Plantarum 134: 403-411.

● Lee BR., Jung WJ, Lee BH, Avice JC, Ourry A, Kim TH. 2008. Kinetics of drought-induced pathogenesis-related proteins and its physiological significance in white clover leaves. Physiologia Plantarum, 132: 329-337.

Autres publications : UMR-EVA

Activités d'enseignement

(En affiliation avec l’Université de Chonnam, Corée du Sud)

● For the course works of the Bachelor of Science, forage production & utilization in the third semester, grassland science in the fifth semester, and animal wastes recycling in the eighth semester are provided

● For the graduate school, six advanced subjects and their associated seminars in plant physiology and biochemistry courses are currently offered to address challenges encountered in management and sustainable production of forage crops.

Autres activités :

2011-present: Director, Divison of Animal Science, Chonnam National University (CNU)

2011-present: Deparment head, Animal Biotech and Bioindustry, Graduate School, CNU

2010-present: Editor, Grassland Science, Japanese Society of Grassland Science 

2000-present: Editor, Korean Journal of forage and Grassland Science

Modification date: 08 February 2023 | Publication date: 08 March 2012 | By: J. Trouverie