J. Delamare

Jeremy Delamare

J. Delamare

PhD student

Research Team: EcoPEPS

e-mail: Jeremy.delamare@unicaen.fr

Tel: +33(0)2 31 56 56 59

Location: CAMPUS 1, Building J3, Door IR 059

Address : Université de Caen Normandie,
CS 14032, Esplanade de la paix,
14032 CAEN CEDEX 5, France

Research activities

My research activities of my thesis take place in a context of climate change characterized by spring thermal stresses that can negatively impact field crops, such as rapeseed and camelina, two oilseeds crop in Normandy. The main objective of my thesis is to propose solutions for acclimatization to heat stress that break with current genetic adaptation and agronomic schemes.

Thus, analyzing and comparing the impact of two sensitization strategies for acclimatization to spring thermal stresses: thermal sensitization or "thermo-priming" (abiotic sensitization) and sensitization mediated by PGPR bacteria (Promoting Growth Plant Rhizobacteria or biotic sensitization). This comparison will be made in particular at the level of the components of yield and seed quality.

The second objective aims to observe the modulation of exudation and root morphology by thermal stress and the potential effects of these two types of priming on these variables in order to maintain the integrity of the roots and the flow of organic compounds in the soil.

More broadly, improving the understanding of the interactions between the plant, a PGPR bacterium and the microbial communities of the soil in place under thermal stress is approached, with the aim of improving the health of plants under abiotic stress linked to climate change.

Finally, the comparison of the behavior of a poorly selected species (camelina) and a highly selected species (rapeseed) of climate change and their ability to acclimatize thanks to thermo- and microbial-priming is one of the themes studied during my thesis project.


Current programs

  • 2019-2022 Projet RIN Tremplin BEER (Bactéries Exsudats Et Rhizodépôts)
  • 2021-2022 Projet RIN Emergent ALBATOR (Acclimation of Linum usitatissimum and BrassicA napus to global warming through ThermOpriming and Rhizobacteria inoculation)



  • 2021: 5 students in Licence 3 in life sciences career biology, ecology (unicaen) and 1 student in licence 3 in life sciences career biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, and physiology (URN)
  • 2022: 3 students in Licence 3 in life sciences career biology, ecology (unicaen) and 1 student in Master 1 in Agrosciences, Environment, Territory, Landscapes, Forest – Career Agri-environmental management and recovery (unicaen).



Delamare J,  Brunel-Muguet S, Boukerb AM, Bressan M, Dumas L, Firmin S, Leroy F, Morvan-Bertrand A, Prigent-Combaret C, Personeni E. 2023. Impact of PGPR inoculation on root morphological traits and root exudation in rapeseed and camelina: interactions with heat stress. Physiologia Plantarum 175:e14058. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.14058

Delamare J, Brunel-Muguet S, Morvan-Bertrand A, Cantat O, Firmin S,Trinsoutrot-Gattin I, LeFranc L, Personeni E (2023) Thermopriming effects on root morphological traits and root exudation during the reproductive phase in two species with contrasting strategies: Brassica napus (L.) and Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2010: 105318. doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105318

Teaching activities

  • 2022: License 1 life sciences -> Plant biology and mycology (MBST2A) -> 30h
  • 2022: License 2 life sciences -> Populations and Ecosystems (BST4D) -> 15h



2020: Master in Agrosciences, Environment, Territory, Landscapes, Forest – Career Agri-environmental management and recovery (unicaen).