J. Sénécal

Juliette Sénécal


A. Lainé


Research Team :  EcoPEPS

e-mail : anaelle.laine@unicaen.fr

Location : CAMPUS 1, Bât. J3, Porte IR 054

Adress : Université de Caen Normandie,
CS 14032, Esplanade de la paix,
14032 CAEN CEDEX 5



I was recruited as part of the ANR cAnOPée research project for a period of one year (December 2024 - December 2025) as a research technician in plant biology. My main mission is to prepare plant samples for biochemical analysis with the aim of evaluating the fodder quality of hay. 

To do this, I am responsible for the management, preparation and analysis of plant samples through the processing of raw data. My work therefore includes different tasks such as grinding, weighing, extraction of soluble compounds, analysis of different compounds (soluble carbohydrates, phenolic compounds) and measurement of antioxidant capacities using appropriate techniques (spectrophotometry-fluorimetry, HPLC ). I also participate in methodological discussions for the analysis of samples.

Current Programs

CAnOPée - 2022-2026 - "Multi-scale approach to the services provided by a quality-labeled dairy chain: contribution of new indicators"  ANR. Coordinatrice N. Desmasures (UR 4651 ABTE, Université Caen Normandie). 


  • 2021 - 2024 : BUT Génie Biologique parcours Sciences de l'Environnement et Écotechnologies à l'IUT de Caen