Q. Lambert

Quentin Lambert

Q. Lambert

Associate professor

Research team: EcoPEPS

e-mail: quentin.lambert@unicaen.fr

Tel: +33(0)2 31 56 55 98

Location: CAMPUS 1, Building J3, Door IR 0--

Address: Université de Caen Normandie,
CS 14032 Esplanade de la paix,
14032 CAEN CEDEX 5, France 

Research activities

At the frontier between soil science and plant ecology, my research is focused on community ecology and functional ecology. With an applied dimension, my work seeks to identify and understand the impact of anthropogenic pressures on plant-soil interactions and ecosystem functionality, in order to develop techniques for mitigating and limiting these pressures. This work is therefore part of an Ecological Integration approach, aimed at reconciling societal and environmental issues.

More specifically, my research focuses on (i) soil quality assessment (biological activities, nutrient cycling, physical parameters) (ii) vegetation (population dynamics, physiology, plant communities) and soils (micro-organisms and soil fauna) (iii) and relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.

Current programs

  • ESEB : Impacts of European solar energy infrastructure on biodiversity: integrating existing knowledge to enable Nature Positive management and financial investments – UMR IMBE, Lancaster University, University of York,  UMR EVA , University of Nottingham, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, UMR CEFE 2024/2027 (Financement : CESAB)
  • Tobimushi : Effet Effets de la radiocontamination sur les groupes trophiques du sols, de leurs activités et des processus fonctionnels associés - IRSN,IMBE-UMR 7363  2024/2025 (Financements : EcoREV, European Radioecology ALLIANCE, IRSN)
  • Rinshõ : Effets in situ d’un gradient de radiocontamination sur la décomposition de la litière de Cryptomeria japonica et la diveristé des organismes du sols à Fukushima (Japon) IRSN,INRAE,CNRS 2023/2025 (Financements : EcoRev, IRSN)
  • Irrasoil : Effets ex situ des rayonnement ionisant (gamma) et de la réduction de l’humidité sur les organismes du sols et la décompositon de la litières IRSN,INRAE,CNRS – 2022/2024   (Financements : IRSN )
  • PIESO : Processus d’Integration Ecologique de l’Energie Solaire - ADEME, IMBE, EcoMed, TotalEnergie - 2016/2020 (Fiancements : ADEME)


  • Lambert, Q., Bischoff, A., & Gros, R. (2024). Effects of habitat restoration and solar panels on soil properties and functions in solar parks. Applied Soil Ecology, 203, 105614.
  • Lambert, Q., Bischoff, A., Enea, M., & Gros, R. (2023). Photovoltaic power stations: an opportunity to promote European semi-natural grasslands?. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, 1137845.
  • Lambert, Q., Gros, R., & Bischoff, A. (2022). Ecological restoration of solar park plant communities and the effect of solar panels. Ecological Engineering, 182, 106722.
  • Lambert, Q., Bischoff, A., Cueff, S., Cluchier, A., & Gros, R. (2021). Effects of solar park construction and solar panels on soil quality, microclimate, CO2 effluxes, and vegetation under a Mediterranean climate. Land Degradation & Development, 32(18), 5190-5202.