E. Personeni

Emmanuelle Personeni

E. Personeni

Associate professor

Research team: EcoPEPS

e-mail:  emmanuelle.personeni@unicaen.fr

Tel. : +33(0)2 31 56 51 36

Location : CAMPUS 1, Building J3, Door IR 068

Address : Université de Caen Normandie,
CS 14032 Esplanade de la paix,
14032 CAEN CEDEX 5, France

Research activities

My research activities in ecology are centered on the root system and the rhizosphere of grassland species or field crops (maize, rapeseed, camelina). Overall, my projects aim to quantify the rhizodeposition of carbon and nitrogen and/or root exudation of primary metabolites (sugars, organic acids). I am particularly interested in the biotic (plant/micro-organism interactions) and abiotic (thermal stress) parameters determining exudation quantitatively and qualitatively.
I'm interested in parallel in the plasticity of root traits (in association and in pure culture) and their interspecific and intraspecific variability.
To carry out these projects, I collaborate with ecologists and ecophysiologists from UMR EVA, microbiologists (UniLaSalle, Glycomev, RHIZO) and analytical platforms (PLATIN', COBRA).


Current programs

  • 2019-2022 Projet RIN Tremplin BEER (Bactéries Exsudats Et Rhizodépôts)
  • 2021-2022 Projet RIN Emergent ALBATOR (Acclimation of Linum usitatissimum and BrassicA napus to global warming through ThermOpriming and Rhizobacteria inoculation)
  • 2022-2024 Promosol SILICOL SImuLer l’assocIation COlza-Légumineuse : vers la définition d’un idéotype de colza apte à l’association, vigoureux et productif en conduite agroécologique




  • 2020-2023 : co-supervision of the PhD of Jeremy Delamare (financed by Région Normandie -INRAE- métaprogramme ACCAF) "Comparaison de deux stratégies de sensibilisation pour l’acclimatation du colza et du lin à des stress thermiques printaniers : une sensibilisation thermique (thermopriming ) et une sensibilisation médiée par des bactéries PGPR (Promoting Growth Plant Rhizobacteria)"


  • 2023 : supervision of Elena Augusto, M1 AETPF Caen, Exsudation racinaire (C, N et sucres) du colza  et de la féverole: comparaison méthodologique et spécifique.
  • 2021 : supervision of Elisa Clerjeault , M1 BEE Poitiers,  Effets de biostimulants sur les variables morphologiques et physiologiques  (exsudation) du soja en début de croissance
  • 2021 : supervision of Elisa Clerjeault , M1 BEE Poitiers,  Effets de biostimulants sur les variables morphologiques et physiologiques  (exsudation) du soja en début de croissance
  • 2020 : supervision of Ludivine Quinet M1  Biologie Agrosciences Caen. Effets de stress thermiques intenses ou modérés sur les flux d’exsudation carbonée et azotée du colza (Brassica napus L.).



  • Delamare J, Personeni E, Le Guédard M, Kim TH, Elie N, Bressan M, Cantat O, Dupas Q, Trinsoutrot-Gattin I, Prigent-Combaret C, Brunel-Muguet S.  2025. Effects of thermopriming and bacteria-mediated heat-stress acclimation strategies on seed yield and quality criteria in Brassica napus cv Aviso and Camelina sativa cv Calena. Planta 261, 26. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-024-04600-1
  • Fourneau A, Pannier M, Riah W, Personeni E, Morvan-Bertrand A, Bodilis J, Pawlak B (2024) A "love match" score to compare root exudate attraction and feeding of the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria Bacillus subtilisPseudomonas fluorescens and Azospirillum brasilense Frontiers 15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2024.1473099
  • Delamare J,  Brunel-Muguet S, Boukerb AM, Bressan M, Dumas L, Firmin S, Leroy F, Morvan-Bertrand A, Prigent-Combaret C, Personeni E. 2023. Impact of PGPR inoculation on root morphological traits and root exudation in rapeseed and camelina: interactions with heat stress. Plantarum 175:e14058.  https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.14058
  • Delamare J, Brunel-Muguet S, Morvan-Bertrand A, Cantat O, Firmin S,Trinsoutrot-Gattin I, LeFranc L, Personeni E(2023) Thermopriming effects on root morphological traits and root exudation during the reproductive phase in two species with contrasting strategies: Brassica napus (L.) and Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2010: 105318. doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105318
  • Legay N, Clément JC, Grassein F, Lavorel S, Lemauviel-Lavenant S, Personeni E, Poly F, Pommier T, Robson TM, Mouhamadou B, Binet MN (2020) Plant growth drives soil nitrogen cycling and N-related microbial activity through changing root traits. Fungal Ecology 44: 100910. Hal-02476717. doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2019.100910
  • Legay N, Grassein F, Binet MN, Arnoldi  C, Personeni  E, Perigon S, Poly F, Pommier T, Puissant J, Clément JC, Lavorel S, Mouhamadou B (2016) Plant species identities and fertilization influence on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal colonization and Soil bacterial activities. Applied Soil Ecology 98:132–139, doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2015.10.006
  • Cantarel A, Pommier T, Desclos-Theveniau M, Diquélou S, Dumont M, Grassein F, Kastl EM, Grigulis K, Laîné P, Lavorel S, Lemauviel-Lavenant S, Personeni E, Schloter M, Poly F (2015) Using plant traits to explain plant-microbe relationships involved in nitrogen acquisition. Ecology 96:788-799, doi.org/10.1890/13-2107.1
  • Mouhamadou B., Puissant J., Personeni E., Desclos-Theveniau M., Kastl E.M., Schloter M., Zinger L., Roy J., Geremia R-A., Lavorel S. 2013. Effects of two grass species on the composition of soil fungal communities Biology and Fertlity of soils doi.org/10.1007/s00374-013-0810-x
  • Legay N., Personeni E. , Slezack-Deschaumes S., Piutti S., Cliquet J.B. 2013. Grassland species show similar strategies for sulphur and nitrogen acquisition. Plant and Soil. doi.org/10.1007/s11104-013-1949-9
  • Balesdent J., Derrien D., Fontaine S., Kirman S., Klumpp K., Loiseau P., Marol C. , Nguyen C, Péan M., Personeni E. et Robin C. (2011) Contribution de la rhizodéposition aux matières organiques du sol, quelques implications pour la modélisation de la dynamique du carbone. Etude Gest Sols 18:201–216
  • Varin S., Cliquet J.B., Personeni E., Avice J-C. & S. Lemauviel-Lavenant, 2010. How does sulphur availability modify N acquisition of white clover (Trifolium repens L.)? Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(1):225-34. doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erp303
  • Personeni E., Nguyen C., Marchal P. & Pages L., 2007. Experimental evaluation of an efflux-influx model of C exudation by individual apical root segment. Journal of Experimental Botany. Vol 58 (8), 2091–2099. doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erm065
  • Personeni E., Lüscher A., Loiseau P. 2005. Rhizosphere activity, grass competitiveness and N availability effects on the soil C and N cycles. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37(5) 819-827. doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.08.012
  • Personeni E., Loiseau P. 2004. How does the nature of living and dead roots affect the residence time of carbon in the root litter continuum? Plant and Soil 267, 129-141. doi.org/10.1007/s11104-005-4656-3
  • Personeni E., Loiseau. 2004. Species strategy and N fluxes in grassland soil : a question of root litter quality or rhizosphere activity ? Europ. J.Agronomy 22, 217-229. doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2004.02.007